If you don’t watch The City, then you are missing out on Olivia. Olivia is why I’m glad I’m the only girl at my job (Peggy Olson’s Unite!). If Olivia shot me those looks of hers (half bitchy, half vapid) I would have to smack her in the face. Though, to be honest, I would probably end up smacking her in the face only IN MY MIND because, in reality, I would go into the bathroom and silently cry because it hurts when pretty people are mean to you.
Jay bores me to tears. My husband’s conversational skills could beat up Jay’s conversational skills in about 3 seconds. There are a crazy amount of funny, smart people in The City and Whitney hasn’t found any of them.
There is, however, one thing Whitney has that I don’t have – that awesome purple beaded top she wore tonight. Purple makes me think of grape popsicles and unicorns and grape-flavored unicorns.
In other news, today was my first day on my new show. It's going to be great. The other writers are smart and funny and cool and the commissary had quality cookies. I WAS hoping for free Diet Cokes because I drink it frequently and am hoping that aspartame is a fountain of youth, but I guess I'll have to buy my own. For now.